PyFlow.Packages.PyFlowBase.Pins package


PyFlow.Packages.PyFlowBase.Pins.AnyPin module

class PyFlow.Packages.PyFlowBase.Pins.AnyPin.AnyPin(name, owningNode, direction, **kwargs)

Bases: PyFlow.Core.PinBase.PinBase

Abstract Pin – “AnyPin”

This Pin Type is an abstraction of Pins, it is a Pin that will act as any other defined Pin. This type of Pin allow to create abstract Nodes that can operate in more than one dataType.

By default AnyPin non Initialized will be marked as error, as PyFlow can’t know what is inside. This Error can be avoided by enabling PyFlow.Core.Common.PinOptions.AllowAny. Thats how NonTyped Lists are made.

By default PyFlow.Core.Common.PinOptions.ChangeTypeOnConnection is enabled, and that means that it will change its internal dataType to the new dataType provided by connection or user Initialization. If disabled, pin will not allow changes.

Is important to define a bunch of allowedDataTypes on pin creation, this will restrict what pins can be connected and what no, so even being a AnyPin, it can be defined to allow for example only [“FloatPin”,”IntPin”] so only those could be connected.

  • self.singleInit – can be set to True, so once initialized, it will never be able to change dataType
  • self.checkForErrors – can be set To False so it will never try to find errors
  • typeChanged : Fired when dataType has change
static IsValuePin()

Returns whether this pin is value pin or not

Return type:bool
__init__(name, owningNode, direction, **kwargs)

Function called before real connection but after PyFlow.Core.Common.canConnectPins() returns True

We traverse connected and constrained Pins here to search if we can change Pin dataType, and if we can we traverse again changing all the necessary datatypes in connected Graph Pins.

Parameters:other (PyFlow.Core.PinBase.PinBase) – Pin that will be connected to this Pin.
allowedDataTypes(checked=[], dataTypes=[], selfCheck=True, defaults=False)

Recursive Function to intersect allowedDatatypes of all connected pins.

  • checked (list, optional) – Already visited Pins, defaults to []
  • dataTypes (list, optional) – Intersected dataTypes, defaults to []
  • selfCheck (bool, optional) – Define if check Pin itself or no, this is useful when trying to override a connection that is in fact the only connection that make hole graphed nodes not be able to change Type, defaults to True
  • defaults (bool, optional) – Define if we are intersecting current allowedDataTypes, or default (as in definition of node) allowedDataTypes, defaults to False

List containing all the intersected dataTypes

Return type:


checkFree(checked=[], selfCheck=True)

Recursive Function to find if all connected Pins are of type AnyPin and canChange On connection, so basically it checks if a Pin is free to change its dataType to another one

  • checked (list, optional) – Already visited Pins, defaults to []
  • selfCheck (bool, optional) – Define if check Pin itself or no, this is useful when trying to override a connection that is in fact the only connection that make hole graphed nodes not be able to change Type, defaults to True

True if Pin can change current dataType

Return type:


static color()

Defines pin color

Can be used by gui wrapper class.

Returns:Rgba tuple
Return type:typle(0, 0, 0, 255)

Returns data type of this pin

Return type:str

Reconstruct Pin from saved jsonData

Parameters:jsonData (dict) – Input Json Saved data

Same as enableOptions() but inverse


Enables flags on pin instance


>>> self.pinInstance.enableOptions(PinOptions.RenamingEnabled)

You can also pass array/set of flags

>>> self.pinInstance.enableOptions({PinOptions.RenamingEnabled, PinOptions.Dynamic})

This is equivalent of

>>> self.pinInstance.enableOptions(PinOptions.RenamingEnabled | PinOptions.Dynamic)
initType(dataType, initializing=False)

Same as AnyPin.aboutToConnect() but instead of using another Pin using a dataType name

  • dataType (string) – New DataType we want the pin to became
  • initializing (bool, optional) – If initializing AnyPin can have same strength as other types, if not, “AnyPin” Pin will always be weaker than other dataType, if, defaults to False

True if it can change to the asked dataType

Return type:


static internalDataStructure()

Static hint of what real python type is this pin

Return type:object
Raises:NotImplementedError – If not implemented

Pin Connection been Made

We update Error here to search for nonInitialized Pins in current Node, and in connected Nodes if initializing

Parameters:other (PyFlow.Core.PinBase.PinBase) – Pin that has been connected to this Pin.
static pinDataTypeHint()

Hint of what data type is this pin, as well as default value for this data type.

Used to easily find pin classes by type id.

Return type:tuple(str, object)
Raises:NotImplementedError – If not implemented

Pin has been disconnected

We update error here and checkFor errors in owning Node

Parameters:other (PyFlow.Core.PinBase.PinBase) – Pin that has been disconnected to this Pin.
static processData(data)

Defines how data is processed

Returns:Processed data
Return type:object
Raises:NotImplementedError – If not implemented

Stores The data to Json

Appends current value and currentDataType to default PyFlow.Core.PinBase.PinBase.serialize() method :returns: json data :rtype: dict


Here is where AnyPin heredates all the properties from other defined dataTypes and act like those

Parameters:dataType (string) – New DataType
Returns:True if success setting dataType
Return type:bool

Initialize DataType from actual data

Iterates all defined Pin and compares type(data) with Pin.internalDataStructure() to find a valid DataType

Parameters:data – Actual data to search Pin/dataType from
static supportedDataTypes()

Tuple with all the Defined value Pin Classes

updateError(traversed=[], updateNeis=False)

Check is Pin dataType is “AnyPin” and if it is, checks if it can change Type on connection, and if it can, marked as error. Is a iterative Function that traverses connected and constrained Pins

  • traversed (list, optional) – Current Iterated neighbors, defaults to []
  • updateNeis (bool, optional) – Try to update Constrained Pins parents error display, it can be slow so use carefully, defaults to False
updateOnConnectionCallback(pin, dataType, init=False, other=None)

Method Called in traverse function PyFlow.Core.Common.traverseConstrainedPins()

This Function is called for all the connected Pins to the initial Pin calling it. Here we traverse all pins and call AnyPin.setType() for all of them. We also intersect all the connected pins allowedDataTypes. :param pin: Pin to perform operations on :type pin: AnyPin :param dataType: New DataType to apply :type dataType: string :param init: If initializing AnyPin can have same strength as other types, if not, “AnyPin” Pin will always be weaker than other dataType, if, defaults to False :type init: bool, optional :param other: other Pin to heredate stuff from him, defaults to None :type other: PyFlow.Core.PinBase.PinBase, optional

PyFlow.Packages.PyFlowBase.Pins.BoolPin module

class PyFlow.Packages.PyFlowBase.Pins.BoolPin.BoolPin(name, parent, direction, **kwargs)

Bases: PyFlow.Core.PinBase.PinBase

doc string for BoolPin

static IsValuePin()

Returns whether this pin is value pin or not

Return type:bool
__init__(name, parent, direction, **kwargs)

Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.

static color()

Defines pin color

Can be used by gui wrapper class.

Returns:Rgba tuple
Return type:typle(0, 0, 0, 255)
static internalDataStructure()

Static hint of what real python type is this pin

Return type:object
Raises:NotImplementedError – If not implemented
static pinDataTypeHint()

Hint of what data type is this pin, as well as default value for this data type.

Used to easily find pin classes by type id.

Return type:tuple(str, object)
Raises:NotImplementedError – If not implemented
static processData(data)

Defines how data is processed

Returns:Processed data
Return type:object
Raises:NotImplementedError – If not implemented
static supportedDataTypes()

List of supported data types

List of data types that can be casted to this type. For example - int can support float, or vector3 can support vector4 etc.

Return type:list(object)
Raises:NotImplementedError – If not implemented

PyFlow.Packages.PyFlowBase.Pins.ExecPin module

class PyFlow.Packages.PyFlowBase.Pins.ExecPin.ExecPin(name, parent, direction, **kwargs)

Bases: PyFlow.Core.PinBase.PinBase

static IsValuePin()

Returns whether this pin is value pin or not

Return type:bool
__init__(name, parent, direction, **kwargs)

Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.

call(*args, **kwargs)

How to execute. What this should do is execute call on another pin, by using this we can evaluate nodes from left to right and define control flow

static color()

Defines pin color

Can be used by gui wrapper class.

Returns:Rgba tuple
Return type:typle(0, 0, 0, 255)
static internalDataStructure()

Static hint of what real python type is this pin

Return type:object
Raises:NotImplementedError – If not implemented

Returns whether this is exec pin or not

Return type:bool
static pinDataTypeHint()

Hint of what data type is this pin, as well as default value for this data type.

Used to easily find pin classes by type id.

Return type:tuple(str, object)
Raises:NotImplementedError – If not implemented

Sets this pins to be a list

Parameters:bIsArray (bool) – Define as Array

Sets value to pin

Parameters:data (object) – Data to be set
static supportedDataTypes()

List of supported data types

List of data types that can be casted to this type. For example - int can support float, or vector3 can support vector4 etc.

Return type:list(object)
Raises:NotImplementedError – If not implemented

PyFlow.Packages.PyFlowBase.Pins.FloatPin module

class PyFlow.Packages.PyFlowBase.Pins.FloatPin.FloatPin(name, parent, direction, **kwargs)

Bases: PyFlow.Core.PinBase.PinBase

doc string for FloatPin

static IsValuePin()

Returns whether this pin is value pin or not

Return type:bool
__init__(name, parent, direction, **kwargs)

Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.

static color()

Defines pin color

Can be used by gui wrapper class.

Returns:Rgba tuple
Return type:typle(0, 0, 0, 255)
static internalDataStructure()

Static hint of what real python type is this pin

Return type:object
Raises:NotImplementedError – If not implemented
static pinDataTypeHint()

data type index and default value

static processData(data)

Defines how data is processed

Returns:Processed data
Return type:object
Raises:NotImplementedError – If not implemented
static supportedDataTypes()

List of supported data types

List of data types that can be casted to this type. For example - int can support float, or vector3 can support vector4 etc.

Return type:list(object)
Raises:NotImplementedError – If not implemented

PyFlow.Packages.PyFlowBase.Pins.IntPin module

class PyFlow.Packages.PyFlowBase.Pins.IntPin.IntPin(name, parent, direction, **kwargs)

Bases: PyFlow.Core.PinBase.PinBase

doc string for IntPin

static IsValuePin()

Returns whether this pin is value pin or not

Return type:bool
__init__(name, parent, direction, **kwargs)

Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.

static color()

Defines pin color

Can be used by gui wrapper class.

Returns:Rgba tuple
Return type:typle(0, 0, 0, 255)
static internalDataStructure()

Static hint of what real python type is this pin

Return type:object
Raises:NotImplementedError – If not implemented
static pinDataTypeHint()

Hint of what data type is this pin, as well as default value for this data type.

Used to easily find pin classes by type id.

Return type:tuple(str, object)
Raises:NotImplementedError – If not implemented
static processData(data)

Defines how data is processed

Returns:Processed data
Return type:object
Raises:NotImplementedError – If not implemented
static supportedDataTypes()

List of supported data types

List of data types that can be casted to this type. For example - int can support float, or vector3 can support vector4 etc.

Return type:list(object)
Raises:NotImplementedError – If not implemented

PyFlow.Packages.PyFlowBase.Pins.StringPin module

class PyFlow.Packages.PyFlowBase.Pins.StringPin.StringPin(name, parent, direction, **kwargs)

Bases: PyFlow.Core.PinBase.PinBase

doc string for StringPin

static IsValuePin()

Returns whether this pin is value pin or not

Return type:bool
__init__(name, parent, direction, **kwargs)

Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.

static color()

Defines pin color

Can be used by gui wrapper class.

Returns:Rgba tuple
Return type:typle(0, 0, 0, 255)
static internalDataStructure()

Static hint of what real python type is this pin

Return type:object
Raises:NotImplementedError – If not implemented
static pinDataTypeHint()

Hint of what data type is this pin, as well as default value for this data type.

Used to easily find pin classes by type id.

Return type:tuple(str, object)
Raises:NotImplementedError – If not implemented
static processData(data)

Defines how data is processed

Returns:Processed data
Return type:object
Raises:NotImplementedError – If not implemented
static supportedDataTypes()

List of supported data types

List of data types that can be casted to this type. For example - int can support float, or vector3 can support vector4 etc.

Return type:list(object)
Raises:NotImplementedError – If not implemented

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